Guidelines for the submission of abstracts

Deadline for submission: 7 July 2023

New Deadline for submission: 20th July 2023

Contributions may be of two types and must be submitted in English.

Oral communication


Instructions for oral presentation

The presentation of abstracts accepted for oral presentation must be made in PowerPoint in Spanish, English or Portuguese.

It is suggested to use the template (Download la ValSe-Food Presentation Valencia 2023 Template). 

Your presentation should follow the following structure:

  • Conference Title
  • Title of the presentation + name and surname + Affiliation (1 slide)+ institutional logo 
  • Content of the presentation (The number of slides should be adjusted to the time allotted)
  • Acknowledgements

Duration of the presentations 30 min (25 min + 5 min for questions).

The official spoken language is English, Spanish or Portuguese and the official written language is English.


Instructions for poster presentation

The poster should be self-contained and self-explanatory, allowing viewers to proceed on their own while the author is free to supplement or discuss particular points raised in the research. During the scheduled Poster Session, the responsible author is asked to be present next to the poster.

As much as possible, respect this format when making your poster. (Download Poster Template for ValSe-Food Valencia 2023)  

  • The maximum size of poster is 1.20 m (high) x 0.90 m (wide), vertical format. Please ensure that your poster does not exceed this size.
  • Fixing poster: the Organization will have adhesive materials available for delegate use at the Conference.
  • Poster Panel Allocation: a codified panel will be allocated for each poster. There will be time for poster viewing throughout the conference.
  • Title and captions should be short and easy to read. Use large lettering: headings should be a minimum of 50-point size whereas 25-point size could be suitable for text. Remember to caption your poster with the abstract title, author names and affiliations.

The official spoken language is English, Spanish or Portuguese and the official written language is English.