Plaza Virgen de la Paz, 3 46001 Valencia
(next to the Church of Santa Catalina)
Tel: 963 262 600
The University-Business Foundation of the University of Valencia is an organisation, with its own legal personality, promoted by the Social Council of the University of Valencia in 1989, whose objective is, on the one hand, that society takes advantage of the University’s capacities and, on the other hand, to serve as a channel to transmit to the University the needs and concerns of society in general and those of the productive sectors in particular.
To this end, ADEIT encourages the development of joint activities in all those fields that favour the exchange of knowledge and, as a consequence, promote economic development and progress. The main lines of action are the following:
– Training, specialisation and recycling of university students and professionals.
– Internships for university students in entities and companies.
– Advice on finding a job or setting up a business.
– Dissemination of entrepreneurial culture.
– Support for innovation and the transfer of technology and knowledge.
– Management and participation in European projects.
Where is ADEIT?
The conference venue is the Fundación Universidad Empresa – ADEIT.
It is located in the heart of the historic centre of the city of Valencia, in a unique location next to unique buildings and monuments.